Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Horses at home

Some of our horses here at the Grange, enjoying the shade of the small-leaved fig.

The bay (left, facing camera) = Gandhi, John's tall and fiery steed;
The pinto (side on) = Rascal Darius, playful two yr old son of Duchess the brumby mare;
The bay closest to the tree = Saturn, Stock horse mare, rescued from a future as dogmeat, and possibly the best horse I've ever had the pleasure of riding;
Just visible behind Saturn are the golden colours of buckskin Elara, also one of Duchess' get;
Off to the right is gallant strong Emu
Not in picture: sweet Blue, as he was asleep elsewhere, and Nova, who is still in Billinudgel with the stallion.

Click for bigger.

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